I only have recently started with yoga, meditation and mindfulness and must say that they are giving me some benefits. They are a great way to start (and end) the day or to practice when you have a moment of spare time during the day…
What they do not offer me is a way to deal with acute events of anxiety or PTSD. Whenever there is a ”trigger”, it is not practical to roll out your yoga mat, get in mediation mode, extract yourself from all noise and distractions… Such triggers can be something you hear on the radio, a thought popping up in your head whilst shopping, etc. So, to me, these are good tools to have in my arsenal but lack some practicality.
During my search for solutions I also came across “Stoicism” which is actually a philosophy, but it’s increasingly being used in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Theraphy)
The part that resonates most with me is the stoic mindset. Have a look at the following quotes and see what I mean:
Time will tell if this is more practical to me, so stay tuned…